Judy Tobey, Chicago, IllinoisI've been studying in the complementary health arena for 20 years and I can honestly say this was one of the most fascinating, helpful and insightful body of work I've experienced. I will be able to apply it in my life and in my practice immediately.
I highly recommend this course to anyone who is interested in self development and insight into others in their life.
Marlena Elm, Edmonton, ABI am and continue to feel privileged to have participated in your workshops and your Level 1 class. I enjoy your teaching style, and both appreciate and benefit from your honest straight-forward tell-it-like-it-is approach. Thank-you for the wisdom of your teachings, and for the Love and Grace by which you teach. I am eternally grateful.
Sonia Bakalchuk, Calgary, AB
Jake Fiveland, Calgary, ABThis course has altered the course of my life. It has made me realize that I have everything that I need in life inside this body of mine. I don't need to search anymore. I feel like I have blossomed in to the person I've always strived to be. I feel that this world would be a better place if this course was a mandatory class in schools the world one. Can you imagine a world full of compassion, understanding and people that can stand in themselves!
Lisa Nasrin, Calgary, ABI learned to bring awareness to every part of my body which allows me to balance, focus and ground myself. This course made me a very happy, compassionate and loving person to myself and others. Just simply bringing my awareness to my breathing and walking opens up my heart to love, acceptance and appreciation of myself and others.
Pearl O'Connor, Boston, MA
Tami Brandrick, Saskatoon, SKI highly recommend everyone take this course. It is absolutely life changing. You are always learning about yourself. It's a journey of life long learning and this course gives you the tools to get on track.
Heather Armitage, Whistler, BChave become empowered. My confidence in myself and the ability to connect to my feelings have dramatically increased. I feel a deeper connection to my inner body & inner flow of energy. My heart has opened and I speak from my heart. Through this opening I am able to express my unique personality and allow my creativity to flow easily. My ability to see others and experience other souls has deepened.
Melody Oesch, Biggar, SKI am a practical person and like to get my money's worth - you do so much more! You can't put a price tag on your life. Seeing the connection more with my body and what it tells me, more than just bad eating habits.
Noreen Kassam, Toronto, ON
Nicole Van Damme, Vancouver, BCWhat an amazing experience! Everything learned here was absolutely invaluable. I have even already taken Level 1 & Level 2 training and I still got more learning out of it... just deeper layers. I would highly recommend it to anyone who wants to look deeper into their own self and start their healing process. In only one year and a half later since I first took it, there have already been dramatic shifts. And it all started with an understanding of self that I couldn't see myself; Carole, however is a master in creating such awareness. If you are thinking about it, just do it. You?ll be glad you did! I sure am.
Jill Boadway, Vancouver, BCThank you Carole for sharing this profound work, to empower me to come home and inhabit my body with greater consciousness.
I have had a remarkable expansion in my confidence and clarity while speaking in front of groups and giving presentations since first taking Level 1. This training has also contributed greatly to my understanding of others at deeper levels, and I am looking forward to bringing it into lifestyle consultations with my clients.
Pat Buchanan, Toledo, OH