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Orgasmic Bedroom Yoga
Online Video and Full Colour Manual

In this beautiful video Carole personally leads you step by step through the morning yoga routine she developed in order to radically transform her own body. The video is hosted online and is available to you anytime, from anywhere in the World.
The video is accompanied by a full colour manual with pictures for each exercise.

The Art and Science of Face Reading
6 Module Audio Training with Manual and Face Reading Analysis Worksheet

Face reading is the most natural thing we do. We unconsciously feel an attraction or a caution when confronted by someone new. Why not learn to recognize people consciously? We can then be more precise and get the best out of every situation. Learn to read what the soul is communicating energetically through the chakra systems of the face and body. Your face and its overall structure and shape reflect all your thoughts and desires. Your bone structure is the blueprint of your soul’s purpose. How that bone structure fills out reflects the expression and suppression of your innermost feelings.

Your Orgasmic Body Toolkit
You will love this great combination of some of my most powerful tools all in one.

Your Orgasmic Body Toolkit™ combines everything you need to begin the process of realigning with your innermost essence. Through using the tools in Your Orgasmic Body Toolkit™ you will reconnect with your beautiful body!
Through meditation, gentle stretches and deeper understanding of your body’s messages you will begin to blossom into a whole new you!

Your Core Essentials Toolkit
The Core Essentials Toolkit combines two of my most powerful tools all in one.

Through meditation, gentle stretches and deeper understanding of your body’s messages you will  reconnect with your beautiful body and begin to blossom into a whole new you!